April 18, 2010

Welcome to the Mobile Mohs Blog!

Mobile Mohs, Inc. was founded by Tim Duffy in 1979 with the purpose and commitment to provide top tier portable lab services to dermatologists and surgeons. We provide expert histotechnicians and equipment without adding the cost of staffing and maintenance. Along the way, Tim pioneered several techniques to better service your practice, including the reverse mount and the "rapid" frozen H&E staining procedure. From our humble beginnings, our goal has always been to provide clear, clean, and fast slides.
With over 25 years of experience, we created this blog as a reference to other histotechicians who have questions and/or concerns. Here are some things you'll learn from our blog...
Mohs tips and techniques
Pictures of Good vs Poor Slides
Upcoming Mohs Conferences/Events
Meeting other fellow Mohs Techs
and much, much more!

We want to hear from you! To submit a question/comment or to just say hello, email us at service@mobilemohs.com

Save us in your Favorites to see upcoming entries on Mohs tips and great advice offered from our President, Tim Duffy!