November 7, 2011
Dear 16-year-old Me
October 2, 2011
Eye Wedge Model

Ask a Mohs Tech- Tattoo sections
August 21, 2011
Ask a Mohs Tech- Rubber band Trick

Staining Thick Cuts

June 26, 2011
Hematoxylin, where does it come from?

The deeply fluted, corrugated trunk of logwood is unmistakable
in the dense jungle of northern Belize
A freshly-cut piece of heartwood from a logwood tree along the New River turns the water in this container a blood red. The hematoxylin dye dissolves readily in fresh water

The scenic New River of the northern Belize, where Baymen (logwood cutters) once harvested logwood. The trees still grow in the dense tropical forest and jungle along the river

May 15, 2011
Cutting Cartilage
May 1, 2011
Melanoma Month
1. Avoid deliberate tanning. Lying in the sun may feel good, but the end result is premature aging( wrinkles, blotchiness, and sagging skin) as well as 1 in 5 chance of developing skin cancer. Tanning beds and sunlamps are just as dangerous because they emit enough UV radiation to cause premature aging and skin cancer. Use a sunless self-tanning product instead, but remember to still use sunscreen on top.
2. Get vitamin D safely through a healthy diet that includes vitamin supplements.
3. Generally apply sunscreen to all exposed skin every day. The sunscreen should have a SPF of at least 30 and be broad-spectrum(provides UVA/UVB protection). Suncreen does NOT make sun bathing safe.
4. Seek shade when appropriate. Sun's rays are stronger between 10am-4pm
5. Use extra caution near water, snow, and sand as they reflect damaging rays of the sun.
6. Check your birthday suit on your birthday. (or maybe the day after...) If you notice anything changing, growing, or bleeding on your skin, see a dermatologist. Skin cancer is very treatable when caught early. Don't forget to ask if their Mohs Tech is from Mobile Mohs! :)
- Immunosuppression( weakening of the body's ability to protect itself from cancer and other diseases)
-Cataracts and macular degeneration- Macular degeneration, for which there is no cure, is the leading cause of blindess in people aged 65 and older.
April 10, 2011
Healthy Tips

Hydrating your body

1- Fresh Bananas, Apples, Oranges & Berries- Loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber, as well as good carbs for an energy boost. Serving size- 1 piece fresh fruit or 1 cup chopped or berries
2-Yogurt & Cereal - Sprinkle some crunchy cereal on yogurt for a great snack. You'll get carbs and protein from the Yogurt and energy from the cereal, making you fuller longer. Serving size- 1- 6oz cup
3- Popcorn- is actually a healthier snack than pretzels and provides fiber. Microwave beforehand and bring in a ziplock bag, or bring a small serving size bag to pop at work.
4- Half a turkey sandwich- You can have real food as a snack too. 1 slice whole wheat bread, 2 ounces of turkey, and mustard provides energy boosting carbs and protein.
5- Red Pepper & Hummus - Vegetables offer good fiber, plus loads of nutrients and vitamins, while hummus adds some protein to up the snacks staying power. Serving size- unlimited vegetables with 1/4 cup hummus.
6- Almonds & Walnuts- packed with good fats, fiber, vitamin E and omega 3's. To stop yourself from overeating, fill an altoid tin with nuts for the perfect serving size(about an ounce)
7- Soy Crisps- sometimes you just want a snack food type of snack. These are salty and crunchy with 5 grams of protein per serving and have more staying power than chips or pretzels. Serving size- Eat the whole 2 serving bag!
March 6, 2011
Would you make the Cut?
- extensive study of H&E stain chemistry
- microscope work
- basic histology and nomenclature
- exposure to surgery
- trouble shooting
- customer service efforts
Our Mobile Mohs, Inc. Technicians come from all different backgrounds and have lived all over the United States. Technicians have advanced education, a uniform appearance, and great personalities. We pride ourselves in having a team atmosphere and superior slides at every office. Just look for the techs in blue!
est. 1979
February 20, 2011
Coverslipping Techniques- Getting rid of air bubbles
1- Take the slide out of the alcohol cup and quickly wipe the bottom and sides of the slide on a paper towel to remove excess alcohol.
2- Hold the slide lengthwise with 2 fingers
3- Apply 2-3 drops of cytoseal
4-Tilt slide at 45 degree angle towards you
5-Apply coverslip from bottom of slide and slowly ease coverslip down to avoid air bubbles
6-If bubbles still occur, squeeze them out applying light pressure with forceps to the coverslip and draw the bubbles to the end of the slide.
7- If you need to redo the slide, discard coverslip, re-dip slide in alcohol and repeat steps.
These tips should help decrease air bubbles. Practice is key and in no time you'll be making great slides!
February 6, 2011
What Makes a Successful Mohs Day?
Accountability- Don't just be on time, Be Early. If for some reason you're stuck in traffic or there is a delay, ALWAYS call ahead. It usually takes around 15 minutes for complete set up. Try to set up the same way each time so that every tool is in it's place. This allows for faster slide processing.
Make friends with the Mohs nurses. They can give you updates on where the Doctor is in their "Mohs loop." (whether they take all specimens first or check slides in between) When there is down time, always be a step ahead of the doctor. Clean off your used discs so that they are ready for extra levels, make slide labels, or refill your cry-ac with liquid nitrogen. Never leave the office until you ask the Mohs Surgeon if all patients are clear.
Integrity- Integrity means taking pride in your work and giving the patient and Mohs surgeon the best of your ability.
If in doubt about a specimen or anything Mohs related, ALWAYS ask. Did the specimen chunk out so you have to spend a few extra minutes to fix it? Let the Doctor know! They can use that time to do something else. Remember, You and the Doctor are on the same team so be honest when something happens. Check your work under the microscope. Keep your appearance and uniform clean. Always give your best.
Communication- This is one of the most important skills on a Mohs Day. Say hello to the Doctor and staff. Sometimes we forget that the Mohs Surgeon is a person too. Ask about their weekend, pets, upcoming trips... When they get to know you, it makes you familiar, and you will become a technician they will want to see around more often.
Let them know if a specimen is taking a little longer than usual. Ask questions if you aren't sure about how a specimen is oriented. How many sections do they prefer? Remember we want to make the Doctor feel as comfortable with us as possible.
Being a great Mohs Technician involves skill, accountability, integrity, and communication. With these skills you will be able to go from office to office and always leave a positive impact.